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1 Inu X Boku SS, Vol. 4 Paperback
At the exclusive and mysterious Maison de Ayakashi, each elite tenant is protected by an elite supernatural Secret Service agent of their very own!
2 큐, 큐, 큐트! SS 3: 우월하게 토모에! (J Novel)
레종 학교 제일의 마력을 자랑하는 '네크로맨서(사령 조종자)'인 미미츠 토모에. 일본사령협회(NSK)에서 아르바이트를 하는 그녀는 어느 마을의 악령 퇴치 일을 의뢰받는다. 토모에는 동료들과 함께 마을을 찾지만, 몸을 조종하는 악령에게 모두가 홀리는데-?!
3 Panzerjager in der Normandie Feuertaufe der 17. SS-Panzergrenadier-Division "Gotz von Berlichingen"
Juni 1944. Die Landung der Alliierten in der Normandie war erfolgreich. In der Stadt Carentan sollen sich die US-Soldaten der beiden Landungsabschnitte Utah-Beach und Omha-Beach vereinigen. Panzerjager der frisch aufgestellten 17. SS-Panzergrenadier-Division erhalten ihre Feuertaufe. Sie werden ins Kampfgebiet beordert, um die dort eingesetzten Fallschirmjager zu unterstutzten. Der 13. Juni 1944 wird zum Schicksalstag vieler Soldaten beider Seiten.
4 Heine the Tragic Satirist: A Study of the Later Poetry 1827-1856 (The Tragic Satirist, a Study of the Later Poetry 1827-1856)
This 1961 book presents a full-length study of the later works of Heine. Dr Prawer extracts and relates to Heine's life the underlying themes in his poetry; those, and the consistent careful analysis of the poems, makes his book an excellent introduction to the poet's work.
5 The Last Voyage of the S.S. Panglossian
Are you prepared for a glimpse beyond the boundaries of the Universe?Matt Kambic and Matthew Kennedy join forces to create a genre-bending science fiction graphic novel,?The Last Voyage of the S.S. Panglossian. In its pages the reader will find adventure, philosophy, science, and wonder, configured to engage and astonish.The Optimists Society's vessel?S.S. Panglossian?is transiting deep space, on a mission to reach the X-WALL- the last barrier between the known Universe and what lies beyond.
6 The S.S. Shamrock Mystery
Ted Wilford, who writes for the semi-weekly Town Crier during college vacations, and his friend Nelson Morgan, who is a part-time photographer for the same paper, find themselves aboard a Great Lakes ore carrier in this fourteenth book of the popular Ted Wilford series.Small operational accidents on the Shamrock are causing delays that threaten a vital contract, and the two young men are sent to investigate. Events take a more serious turn when John Star, a wiper in the engine room, disappears.
7 Kristina: A young SS auxiliary in WWII faces the horrors of war as Germany is torn apart by its enemies.
Kristina grew up in a country suffering under the crippling burden of WWI reparations; money was worthless, and food scarce. Then Hitler came to power determined to set Germany on a course to greatness.It is on this wave of belief and enthusiasm that Kristina proudly takes up her post as an SS auxiliary at Auschwitz. Initially she lives in a bubble of friendship with her fellow guards, and the love of her fiance, Hermann. But she soon realises something is badly wrong.
8 Ku?ss mich noch mal: Großdruck
Mehr als funf Jahre hat sich Lucy Rivers von ihrer Familie ferngehalten.Nach dem Tod ihrer Mutter war ihr Herz gebrochen und sie nicht der Lage, ihrem Vater zu vergeben, dass er so kurz nach dem tragischen Ereignis, das ihr aller Leben erschuttert hatte, wieder geheiratet hatte. Und nicht nur das, die Ehe schob auch ihrer aufkeimenden Beziehung mit ihrem Highschool-Schwarm, Cole Kent.Lucy suchte sich ein neues Leben und ließ ihre Familie zuruck.
9 Kaufering Xii: The Story of a Jewish Ss Officer
The thought of a Jewish SS officer is preposterous and off-putting, but people took extraordinary steps to protect themselves and their loved ones in Nazi Germany.In this true story, the author shares the story of Yochanan Berger, who reluctantly confessed his dark past to only a few people late in his life.Born in 1920, Berger grew up near Berlin in a strict Orthodox family, with his life shaped by faith and community until he was captivated by a young Catholic woman.
10 SS Victory in the West The Battle of the Bulge Against all Odds A Novel
What if the Germans had won the Battle of the Bulge?It is December 1944 and the Wehrmacht is starting their last desperate gamble on the Western front. In this alternative fantasy war novel, Peiper's SS Panzer group pushes their way north of the Ardennes, moving recklessly towards the port city of Antwerp.


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